De Marktkantine

Jan van Galenstraat, Amsterdam

Parking (P+R) at De Marktkantine

Easy Reachability with MOBIHUBs

MOBIAN improves destination reachability through its sustainable mobility solution. By reserving a spot on a MOBIHUB in advance, it saves the unnecessary miles by searching for a parking spot and offers you a guaranteed green last mile. When heading to De Marktkantine in Amsterdam, using Mobihubs' smart park & bike solution ensures a convenient and efficient journey.

De Marktkantine

De Marktkantine is a popular event center in Amsterdam known for its vibrant nightlife, live music performances, and cultural events. Located in the vibrant De Hallen district, it attracts locals and tourists alike looking for a memorable night out. With its spacious interior, state-of-the-art sound system, and diverse lineup of events, De Marktkantine promises an unforgettable experience for all visitors.

Parking Pressure at De Marktkantine

Due to its popularity and high footfall, De Marktkantine often experiences parking pressure in the surrounding areas. Finding a parking spot near the venue can be a challenge, especially during peak hours and event nights. To avoid the hassle of searching for parking and ensure a stress-free visit, it's essential to plan ahead and secure a parking spot in advance.

Importance of Pre-booking and Last Mile Solutions

Pre-booking your parking spot with MOBIHUBs and incorporating a last-mile solution like bikes, public transport, or e-taxis is crucial to guarantee a safe, fast, and reliable trip to De Marktkantine. By utilizing these convenient services, you can avoid parking uncertainties, reduce travel time, and contribute to a more sustainable urban environment. With MOBIAN's smart park & bike solution, reaching De Marktkantine has never been easier.

Parking around De Marktkantine