
Vondelstraat, Amsterdam

location Choice of 24 locations
price Attractive parking rates
tick Reservation in advance
last_mile Including last-mile mobility

Reach your destination faster? Switch!

  • Park your car at one of our parking locations
  • Switch to a bike or public transport to reach your final destination green, smart, efficiently and a lot faster

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Booking, managing, accessing venues and using last-mile mobility: you'll find it in our MOBIAN app. That means no paper tickets and everything conveniently arranged and collected on your phone.

Book in advance

Reserve a parking spot including transfer simply and quickly. By making a reservation, you will not be standing in front of a closed door and you are guaranteed a spot on arrival. Made a reservation? Then download the MOBIAN app to make use of it.

On site

Navigate to your chosen parking location and park at one of the available spots. Are you in front of the barrier? It opens on licence plate recognition or at the touch of a button in the MOBIAN app. Use the same app to access additional services at our MOBIHUBS.

Last-mile mobility

Car parked and ready for the next ride? Use the app to unlock the bike you booked, activate your taxi ride or get a QR ticket for public transport.

Customer reviews

Parking (P+R) at Vondelstraat

Easy to Reach Vondelstraat with Mobihubs

MOBIAN improves destination reachability through its sustainable mobility solution. By reserving a spot on a MOBIHUB in advance, it saves the unnecessary miles by searching for a parking spot and it offers you a guaranteed green last mile. This innovative approach ensures a hassle-free and convenient way to reach Vondelstraat in Amsterdam. With Mobihubs' affordable and fast smart park & bike solution, visitors can enjoy a seamless journey from their starting point to Vondelstraat without any parking or transportation-related worries.

Discover Vondelstraat

Vondelstraat is a charming neighbourhood located in Amsterdam, known for its beautiful surroundings and lively atmosphere. This picturesque street is home to numerous cafes, restaurants, and shops, offering a vibrant mix of local culture and international influences. Vondelstraat is also famous for its proximity to the stunning Vondelpark, one of Amsterdam's most iconic green spaces. With its tranquil paths, ponds, and open spaces, it provides a perfect retreat for nature enthusiasts and those seeking a peaceful escape in the heart of the city.

Parking Pressure in Vondelstraat

Like many popular destinations in urban areas, Vondelstraat often faces parking pressure due to its high demand. Finding an available parking spot can be a frustrating experience, resulting in unnecessary delays and added stress. However, with Mobihubs' smart park & bike solution, visitors can easily bypass the parking challenges. By pre-booking a spot at one of the Mobihubs located near Vondelstraat, travelers can conveniently park their vehicles and continue their journey using bikes, public transport, or e-taxis.

Importance of Pre-Booking and Last Mile Solutions

To guarantee a safe, fast, and reliable trip to Vondelstraat, it is crucial to pre-book parking and utilize a last mile solution. Pre-booking parking at a designated Mobihub eliminates the uncertainty of finding a parking spot upon arrival, ensuring a stress-free experience. Additionally, combining this with efficient last mile options such as bikes, public transport, or e-taxis further enhances convenience and reduces travel time. By availing Mobihubs' affordable and fast smart park & bike solution, visitors can confidently explore Vondelstraat and its surrounding attractions without worrying about parking issues or transportation challenges.