Düsseldorf Boat Show

Stockumer Kirchstraße, Düsseldorf

location Choice of 24 locations
price Attractive parking rates
tick Reservation in advance
last_mile Including last-mile mobility

Reach your destination faster? Switch!

  • Park your car at one of our parking locations
  • Switch to a bike or public transport to reach your final destination green, smart, efficiently and a lot faster

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Booking, managing, accessing venues and using last-mile mobility: you'll find it in our MOBIAN app. That means no paper tickets and everything conveniently arranged and collected on your phone.

Book in advance

Reserve a parking spot including transfer simply and quickly. By making a reservation, you will not be standing in front of a closed door and you are guaranteed a spot on arrival. Made a reservation? Then download the MOBIAN app to make use of it.

On site

Navigate to your chosen parking location and park at one of the available spots. Are you in front of the barrier? It opens on licence plate recognition or at the touch of a button in the MOBIAN app. Use the same app to access additional services at our MOBIHUBS.

Last-mile mobility

Car parked and ready for the next ride? Use the app to unlock the bike you booked, activate your taxi ride or get a QR ticket for public transport.

Customer reviews

Parking (P+R) at Düsseldorf Boat Show

Easy Access with Mobian's Mobihubs

Reaching the Düsseldorf Boat Show with Mobian's Mobihubs in Düsseldorf is incredibly easy and convenient. MOBIAN improves destination reachability through its sustainable mobility solution. By reserving a spot on a MOBIHUB in advance, it saves the unnecessary miles by searching for a parking spot and offers you a guaranteed green last mile. With a simple reservation process, you can secure your parking spot hassle-free and ensure a smooth start to your visit to the Boat Show.

Düsseldorf Boat Show

The Düsseldorf Boat Show is a highly anticipated event that showcases the latest and greatest in the world of boating and watersports. Held annually in Düsseldorf, Germany, it attracts thousands of visitors from around the world. With a wide range of boats, accessories, equipment, and services on display, the Boat Show offers a unique opportunity for boating enthusiasts to explore and discover the latest trends in the industry. Whether you're a professional or a leisure boater, the Düsseldorf Boat Show is a must-visit event.

Parking Pressure at Düsseldorf Boat Show

Attending the Düsseldorf Boat Show can be stressful due to the parking pressure faced by visitors. Finding a suitable parking spot in a crowded city can be time-consuming and frustrating. During popular events like the Boat Show, the demand for parking spaces is even higher, leading to increased competition and limited availability. Without a proper parking solution in place, visitors may waste precious time driving around in search of parking, adding unnecessary stress to their overall experience.

Importance of Pre-booking Parking and Last Mile Solution

To guarantee a safe, fast, and reliable trip to the Düsseldorf Boat Show, it is crucial to pre-book your parking spot and make use of a convenient last mile solution. Pre-booking your parking spot with MOBIAN ensures that you have a reserved space waiting for you upon arrival, eliminating the need to search for parking and reducing the overall stress of the journey. Additionally, MOBIAN offers a variety of last mile solutions such as bikes, public transport, or e-taxis, allowing visitors to easily and efficiently navigate their way to the Boat Show. By combining the convenience of pre-booked parking with a reliable last mile solution, visitors can enjoy a seamless experience as they arrive at the Düsseldorf Boat Show.