Museumkwartier Utrecht

Korte Nieuwstraat, Utrecht

location Choice of 6 locations
price Attractive parking rates
tick Reservation in advance
last_mile Including last-mile mobility

Reach your destination faster? Switch!

  • Park your car at one of our parking locations
  • Switch to a bike or public transport to reach your final destination green, smart, efficiently and a lot faster

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Easily make use of our smart P+R hubs!

Booking, managing, accessing venues and using last-mile mobility: you'll find it in our MOBIAN app. That means no paper tickets and everything conveniently arranged and collected on your phone.

Book in advance

Reserve a parking spot including transfer simply and quickly. By making a reservation, you will not be standing in front of a closed door and you are guaranteed a spot on arrival. Made a reservation? Then download the MOBIAN app to make use of it.

On site

Navigate to your chosen parking location and park at one of the available spots. Are you in front of the barrier? It opens on licence plate recognition or at the touch of a button in the MOBIAN app. Use the same app to access additional services at our MOBIHUBS.

Last-mile mobility

Car parked and ready for the next ride? Use the app to unlock the bike you booked, activate your taxi ride or get a QR ticket for public transport.

Customer reviews

Parking (P+R) at Museumkwartier Utrecht

Easy Access to Museumkwartier Utrecht with Mobihubs

MOBIAN improves destination reachability through its sustainable mobility solution. By reserving a spot on a MOBIHUB in advance, it saves the unnecessary miles by searching for a parking spot and it offers you a guaranteed green last mile. With the affordable and fast smart park & bike solution provided by Mobihubs, reaching Museumkwartier Utrecht has never been easier.

Discover Museumkwartier Utrecht

Museumkwartier Utrecht is a vibrant neighborhood that houses several remarkable museums and cultural attractions. Here, visitors can immerse themselves in the rich history, art, and architecture of Utrecht. From the iconic Centraal Museum, which showcases contemporary art and Utrecht's cultural heritage, to the Museum Catharijneconvent, an exquisite museum dedicated to religious art and artifacts, there is something for everyone in this culturally diverse area.

Parking Pressure in Museumkwartier Utrecht

Due to the popularity of Museumkwartier Utrecht, parking in the area can be quite challenging. The neighborhood is a bustling hub for locals and tourists, especially during peak times when events and exhibitions take place. The limited parking spaces often result in high parking pressure, causing frustration for visitors trying to find a suitable parking spot.

Importance of Pre-Booking Parking and Last Mile Solutions

To guarantee a safe, fast, and reliable trip to Museumkwartier Utrecht, it is crucial to pre-book your parking and make use of last mile solutions such as bikes, public transport, or e-taxis. By reserving a parking spot in advance through MOBIAN's Mobihubs, you can have peace of mind knowing that a convenient parking space will be available for your visit. Additionally, by utilizing eco-friendly last mile options like bikes or public transport, you can easily navigate the surrounding area and reach your desired destination without the stress of traffic or parking constraints. Pre-booking parking and opting for last mile solutions not only ensures a seamless experience but also contributes to promoting sustainable mobility and reducing carbon emissions in the city.