Parkeerplek auto | MOBIHUB | Goffertpark oost

Erasmuslaan, Nijmegen




Erasmuslaan, Nijmegen



Hubs; Event MOBIHUB

Switch to bike or public transport

Park at a mobility hub and switch to green transport for the last mile, a smart choice! Don't get stuck in the busy city centre anymore, enjoy a guaranteed parking spot and never overpay for parking again. All you need for your trip is the MOBIAN app: book, manage and operate.


Want to be sure of a parking spot? Make a reservation upfront! Download and open the MOBIAN app, enter your destination, easily find a parking location nearby and book your parking spot including transport for the last stretch.

All at one place

Check and manage your reservations in one overview. Everything in one place which means no more paper parking-, access- and various transport tickets! The app bundles everything you need for your complete trip.On site

Navigate to the parking location. Open the app and your reservation to open the barrier at the touch of a button. Chosen a bike? Easily find your bike and open and close the bike lock in the app. By public transport? You'll find your QR transport ticket... indeed, in the MOBIAN app!


Customer reviews

Parking at Parkeerplek auto | MOBIHUB | Goffertpark oost

Park during the concert at the Parking Gymnasion in Nijmegen, close to Goffertpark. Our crew will welcome you at the parking and check your reservation.

From this parking, it is around 15 minutes by bike to Goffertpark. Hop on the bike and enjoy the concert!